Health Today Pricing

19 - 64 years old
  • A comprehensive eye health and vision assessment with the latest technology.
  • Individualized treatment plan.
  • Advanced eye health and vision assessment.
  • Eye pressure measurement for glaucoma screening.
  • Digital retinal photography.
  • 3D OCT ultrasound-like imaging of the back of the eye to analyze all the layers of the retina.

19 - 64 years old

+ Contact Reassessment
  • A comprehensive eye health and vision assessment with the latest technology.
  • Individualized treatment plan.
  • Advanced eye health and vision assessment.
  • Eye pressure measurement for glaucoma screening.
  • Digital retinal photography.
  • 3D OCT ultrasound-like imaging of the back of the eye to analyze all the layers of the retina.
  • Analysis of your current contact lenses on eye.
  • Free pair of contact lenses with your new updated prescription.

65+ years old
  • A comprehensive eye health and vision assessment with the latest technology.
  • Individualized treatment plan.
  • Advanced eye health and vision assessment.
  • Digital retinal photography.
  • 3D OCT ultrasound-like imaging of the back of the eye to analyze all the layers of the retina.
  • Dry Eye Assessment and imaging if required.
  • For current contact lens wearers - extra testing & assessment on eye as well as a free pair of updated contacts. ($20)

Covered Through Alberta Health Care*

*+ $40 Imaging
*+ $20 for CL wearer

0-7 years old
  • A comprehensive eye health and vision assessment with the latest technology.
  • Individualized treatment plan.
8 - 18 years old
  • A comprehensive eye health and vision assessment with the latest technology.
  • Individualized treatment plan.
  • Advanced eye health and vision assessment.
  • Digital retinal imaging - This scan remains on file, and allows for comparisons to future visits to catch diseases and abnormalities or vision problems earlier
  • Myopia Risk and Progression Analysis – a measurement of the length of the eyeball is used to chart the risk of developing near-sightedness or to show how fast it is progressing
  • For current contact lens wearers - extra testing & assessment on eye as well as a free pair of updated contacts. ($20)

Covered Through Alberta Health Care*

*+ $20 Imaging
*+ $20 for CL wearer (if applicable)

New to Contacts Training & Fitting
  • Measurement of the cornea to determine the correct fitting contact lens
  • 45 min one-on-one training to teach correct insertion/removal techniques as well as care and cleaning of contact lenses
  • Diagnostic lenses to take home to practice and wear for a few days
  • Follow-up assessments

Specialty Contact Lens Fitting or Refitting

  • Fitting of bifocal contact lenses, lenses with high astigmatism, lenses for keratoconus, ortho-K lenses, myopia control lenses etc.

Retinal Photos
  • Pictures of the back of the eye (the retina) for early detection of eye disease.
  • Contactless wholistic view digital retinal imaging. This scan remains on file and allows for comparisons to future visits to catch diseases and abnormalities or vision problems earlier ($20 fee - not covered by AHC).

3D Oct Scan

  • Ultrasound-like imaging of the back of the eye to detect eye diseases and problems found deeper in the retina that a retinal photo can't pick up.

Visual Field & Reporting

  • Peripheral visual field assessment for Drivers Licence, Police, RCMP applications etc. This includes completing the forms required for these.
Dry Eye Advanced
Diagnostic Testing
  • An in-depth, multi-test assessment and progression analysis of Dry Eye.

BlephEx™ Treatment

  • A new treatment to exfoliate the eyelids and lashes to remove the debris and build-up that can cause irritation and dry eyes.

Refractive Post-Op Assessment

  • We co-manage post-op care with all the refractive surgeons in Calgary.

We're Here To Help!