Emergency Eye Care

Summary Content

At Health Today, we recognize the importance of prompt and efficient care during eye emergencies. Our optometrists are equipped and willing to handle a variety of ocular emergencies, including eye infections, injuries, and other urgent eye conditions. We can examine the front surface and digitally scan the interior of the eye to assess for any infections or damage. Our goal is to provide immediate attention to minimize the risk of permanent vision loss or further eye health complications.


We are prepared to manage several types of eye emergencies, including but not limited to:

  • Eye infections
  • Trauma to the eye
  • Foreign objects in the eye
  • Scratched eyes
  • Sudden onset of red or painful eyes
  • Flashes of light or floaters in vision
  • Issues with contact lenses (lost, broken, or dislodged)
  • Uncomfortable, itchy, or irritated eyes

In many cases, visiting an emergency room for eye emergencies is not necessary, as optometrists are equipped to handle these situations effectively. Immediate consultation with our eye care professionals is advisable to ensure the best possible outcome for your eye health.



Foreign Objects: If you suspect that a foreign object has entered your eye, it's critical not to attempt removal on your own, as this can cause further injury. Our optometrists can safely remove foreign bodies, alleviating pain and preventing infection through professional techniques and tools.

How We Can Help: For objects stuck in the eye, such as dirt or metal shards, we administer anesthetic eye drops for a pain-free examination and removal. Depending on the nature and severity of the foreign object, removal methods may vary from simple irrigation to careful extraction with specialized instruments.

Serious Eye Injuries: In the event of severe eye injuries, such as penetration by fast-moving objects or significant trauma, immediate professional evaluation is essential. Delaying care or attempting self-treatment can lead to permanent vision loss.

Did You Know Alberta Health Care Covers Eye Exams?

Ages 0-18: AHS covers one annual eye exam for all children. Additional coverage for medical needs is possible; speak with your optometrist for more.
Ages 19-64: Eye exams are not covered, but check with your insurance or our visit us at Health Today for possible billing options.
Ages 65+: AHS covers one annual eye exam, with potential additional coverage for specific medical conditions; speak with your optometrist for more.
Note: Urgent eye care and infections are covered*; no referral is needed. 
*Confirm any additional costs with our Optometrist before the appointment.


While we are ready to address any eye emergency, prevention is key to maintaining good eye health. We advocate for the use of safety eyewear during activities that pose a risk to your eyes and encourage regular eye exams to detect potential issues before they become emergencies.

For symptoms including sudden vision loss, severe eye pain, or exposure to harmful substances, it is crucial to seek professional care immediately. Until you can receive professional help, avoid any actions that could exacerbate the condition.

At Health Today, we are committed to providing comprehensive emergency eye care services. Whether you're experiencing a sudden eye infection, trauma, or any discomfort, our team is here to provide the urgent care you need. Remember, preserving your vision and eye health is our utmost priority.

Screen Time Guidelines

Balancing screen time is essential for maintaining eye comfort and reducing digital eye strain. At Health Today, we prioritize your eye health and overall well-being. Schedule an adult eye exam today to ensure your vision remains clear and your eyes stay healthy for years to come. Follow these guidelines:

The 20-20-20 Rule

The 20-20-20 Rule

Take a 20-second break to look at something 20 feet away every 20 minutes of screen time.

Adjust screen settings

Adjust screen settings

Ensure proper screen brightness and contrast to reduce glare and eye strain.

Position your screen

Position your screen

Keep your screen at eye level and a comfortable distance.

Screen Time Guidelines
Blink frequently

Blink frequently

Remind yourself to blink to prevent dry eyes.

Schedule regular eye exams

Schedule regular eye exams

Routine eye exams can help detect and address any vision issues related to prolonged screen time.

Stay Hydrated

Stay Hydrated

Hydration is a key factor in maintaining sufficient tear production.

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