Annual Eye Exams

Summary Content

At Health Today, we believe that clear vision is an essential component of your overall well-being. Our annual eye exams are designed to provide personalized care, ensuring your eyes remain healthy and your vision stays sharp. According to the Canadian Association of Optometrists, annual eye exams are recommended for individuals of all ages, as they are crucial for early detection and management of various eye conditions.

The Importance of Regular Eye Exams

As you age, your eyes go through natural changes, and the risk of developing various eye conditions increases. Regular eye exams are essential for several reasons:

Early Detection

Early Detection

Many eye conditions, such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, and diabetic retinopathy, often have no noticeable symptoms in their early stages. Regular eye exams can detect these conditions before they cause significant vision loss.

Prescription Updates

Prescription Updates

Changes in your vision may require adjustments to your eyeglass or contact lens prescription. Regular exams ensure that you have the correct prescription to maintain clear vision.

Overall Health

Overall Health

Eye exams can also provide insight into your overall health. Certain eye conditions can be indicators of underlying health issues like diabetes or hypertension.

Quality of Life

Quality of Life

Clear and comfortable vision enhances your daily life and activities. Regular eye exams help ensure that your vision remains optimal, allowing you to enjoy life to the fullest.

What to Expect During an Annual Eye Exam

What to Expect During an Annual Eye Exam

Our comprehensive annual eye exams include the following:

  • Visual Acuity Testing - Assessing your ability to see clearly at different distances.
  • Peripheral Vision Evaluation -  Ensuring your complete field of vision is intact.
  • Eye Muscle Function Assessment -  Checking how well your eyes work together.
  • Examination of the Front and Back of Your Eyes -  Identifying any abnormalities or signs of eye diseases.
  • Measurement of Intraocular Pressure -  Screening for conditions like glaucoma.
  • Discussion of Your Eye Health History - Addressing specific concerns or risk factors you may have.

Based on the results of your exam, our experienced Health Today optometrists will provide recommendations for any necessary treatment, lifestyle adjustments, or changes to your eyeglass or contact lens prescription.

Did You Know Alberta Health Care Covers Eye Exams?

Ages 0-18: AHS covers one annual eye exam for all children. Additional coverage for medical needs is possible; speak with your optometrist for more.
Ages 19-64: Eye exams are not covered, but check with your insurance or our visit us at Health Today for possible billing options.
Ages 65+: AHS covers one annual eye exam, with potential additional coverage for specific medical conditions; speak with your optometrist for more.
Note: Urgent eye care and infections are covered*; no referral is needed. 
*Confirm any additional costs with our Optometrist before the appointment.

Eye Exam Experience at Health Today

At Health Today, our adult eye examinations extend beyond routine visual acuity assessments. We prioritize a thorough evaluation of both your eye health and visual functionality. Additionally, our optometrists take into account your overall well-being, addressing lifestyle factors like screen time habits, nutrition, and systemic health conditions that could influence your vision.
Our optometrists meticulously examine essential aspects of your vision, encompassing:

Visual acuity

Visual acuity

How well you can see objects at different distances.



Determining your prescription for eyeglasses or contact lenses.

Visual field testing

Visual field testing

Evaluating your peripheral vision.

Binocular vision

Binocular vision

Assessing how well your eyes work together.

Eye muscle function

Eye muscle function

Checking for eye muscle imbalances.

Slit-lamp examination

Slit-lamp examination

Examining the front structures of your eyes.

Retinal examination

Retinal examination

Evaluating the health of the retina and optic nerve.

Intraocular pressure measurement

Intraocular pressure measurement

 Screening for glaucoma.

Vision Care

At Health Today, we provide comprehensive vision care. Our services include:

Eyeglass and Contact Lens Fittings
Treatment of Eye Conditions
Eye Surgery Partnership
Eye Health Education

We offer a wide selection of eyeglasses and contact lenses to suit your style and vision needs. Our optometrists will ensure your prescription is accurately and comfortably fitted.

Screen Time Guidelines

Balancing screen time is essential for maintaining eye comfort and reducing digital eye strain. At Health Today, we prioritize your eye health and overall well-being. Schedule an adult eye exam today to ensure your vision remains clear and your eyes stay healthy for years to come. Follow these guidelines:

The 20-20-20 Rule

The 20-20-20 Rule

Take a 20-second break to look at something 20 feet away every 20 minutes of screen time.

Adjust screen settings

Adjust screen settings

Ensure proper screen brightness and contrast to reduce glare and eye strain.

Position your screen

Position your screen

Keep your screen at eye level and a comfortable distance.

Screen Time Guidelines
Blink frequently

Blink frequently

Remind yourself to blink to prevent dry eyes.

Schedule regular eye exams

Schedule regular eye exams

Routine eye exams can help detect and address any vision issues related to prolonged screen time.

Stay Hydrated

Stay Hydrated

Hydration is a key factor in maintaining sufficient tear production.

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